OVE Reflections

Oral Reflection

                The first presentation I found somewhat difficult because I didn’t know what from my paper would be best to talk about when given a very short amount of time. Choosing what was most important and not straying too far from it was probably the hardest part. I found the poster presentation much easier because it was more straight forward and I knew what I was going to be talking about.


Electronic Reflection


                In the past I’ve never had to do anything like the electronic activities in this class like the poster. I think this gave me a new perspective on what English skill can be applied to.


Visual Reflection

                I liked this assignment because it was different than researching and writing a paper. It wasn’t necessarily easier, but it was fun to be able to use some creativity.

                When creating the first version I wanted to make it clean and clear while still providing short bits of important information. Even after I decided what information I would be including, it was difficult to know where I would place the information and pictures and what sort of design would look best. Choosing a color scheme was also a very difficult task in this assignment.

                When making changes to this assignment, I tried to do something simpler and with colors that weren’t the usual. I used an album cover that catches my eye as a reference when choosing the colors, placement of the words, and the font that is simple and stands out in the middle of the photo. I decided to include three words or phrases at the bottom to inform the audience of the services the Memorial Union has. In the end, I basically abbreviated my original poster and made a few color scheme changes to make a completely different poster.

Posted on December 13, 2011, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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